Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Hope you had a good holiday season whatever holiday's you in your house celebrate. In our house we celebrate Christmas and New Years. We had a great Christmas. Our children (almost 4 and almost 2) loved everything that Santa brought them. They have quickly loved everything Santa brought the other one as well. Isn't that the way being a kid goes. Love your toys and love your siblings toys even more. I was able to accomplish a goal of mine for the last few years as well. I was able to make a cash charitable donation. I even took my daughter and let her hand the money to the Humane Society worker. My daughter is a bit young to really know what and why but its a good start and in the future I will take both children and spit the money so they can both hand something over. Got to start them while they are young. In a perfect world I would do as my parents did and find a family that was in need and make/purchase items the could use and need. Wrap them, and deliver them even. In my world I don't have that kind of time unless I want to let the other things like meals and laundry slack even more than they seemingly already do (and that's at a non-holiday time of year). So I stick with what works for me and that is the gift of cash.

I hope you were able to accomplish something new be it more or less this holiday season or have a new resolve to change something in your life that has been tugging at you.  Best wishes.

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